Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What A Day For My PC To Crash!!!!

What the fuck! So today my PC crashes and I have no access to the Internet much less my blog and meanwhile the world keeps spinning and some major shit goes down!
Sadly...It's official! Madonna and Guy Ritchie are getting divorced after 7 1/2 years of marriage. Did we really think this would last (I was hoping), but it seems no matter how many pints Mr. Madonna drinks, he still has to face his Type A, demanding wife. I wonder what kind of settlement he will get $$$$

"I Got Your Crazy"-Britney Spears lands her second #1 hit with Womanizer

Yesterday, Gale Harold was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident. He is at USC Medical Center in the Intensive Care Unit. Harold's rep just issued a statement saying his shoulder was fractured and he's in stable condition-'Everyone is hopeful for a full recovery.' Harold starred in the Showtime series Queer as Folk, and is currently on Desperate Housewives as Susan's boytoy. Get well soon!

Alright kiddies-here's hoping my PC gets fixed soon. Bye

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