Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Nines - Movie Review (2007)

"A troubled actor, a television show runner, and an acclaimed video game designer find their lives intertwining in mysterious and unsettling ways."

John August, perhaps most known for his screenplays of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Corpse Bride," delivers an intricately woven tale told in three parts. Complex at times, witty at others, the film unfolds with talented actors playing multiple roles. Think a more subdued David Lynch movie.

Hottie Ryan Reynolds tries his hand at dramatic acting, but succeeds in creating believable characters. The fantastic Melissa McCarthy, most notably of "Samantha Who?" fame, plays each of her three roles beautifully. I love this girl-her comic timing is head on-she steals this movie!
Even the soundtrack is amazing and really enhances the film.Truly, words cannot do this complex, yet enjoyable, film justice and it must be seen to be truly appreciated. I highly recommend!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Nines layers together nicely, certainly well done; and Reynolds was good, he's a versatile actor for sure, but it was Melissa McCarthy who did a particularly great job of adding color to the whole thing.