Thursday, September 11, 2008

9.11.02 - A Day Of Remembrance

Today is a day many of us would rather forget and none of us ever will. It’s already a long time past but it still has an effect on all of us…a day of infamy…a day that ultimately bound us tight in the face of adversity. At the time I did not know anyone that experienced 9/11 first hand, but now almost everyone knows someone who knew someone. So today, in a moment of reflection, everyone should take a minute to ponder both what happened and what matters to us... it's a great day to make sure our priorities are straight... hug your loved ones just because you can... call a friend... say hello to a stranger. America may not be a perfect place but we do far more things right than wrong, and freedom as we enjoy it is a threat to some who wish us harm. Freedom is the best remembrance.

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